Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Choosing the Right Affiliate Marketing Niche (I)

Image : http://www.flickr.com

An affiliate marketing niche is the field of specialty that you intend to market product, services or information in. Examples of some specific niches are dog grooming, kitchen furniture and exotic recipes among others. Choosing a niche is an important aspect of learning how to make money online because choosing the right niche helps influence your probability and rate of success in the field of internet marketing. Choosing the wrong niche on the other hand might lead to you quickly getting disenchanted with everything affiliate marketing stands for and feeling that you will never be one of the successful people that make enough money online to quit their day jobs.

This said how exactly one can go about choosing a successful niche. A lot has been said about this on the Internet. Most people recommend choosing a niche you find exciting, something you are passionate or knowledgeable about etc. The reason why this is often suggested is because if you choose a niche you have no excitement about, the chances are that you are bound to get bored very quickly. Making money online takes a period of patience first before success shows up at your doorstep and if you are working on something you hardly find interesting, you are bound to get so bored you just give up.

If you choose something you do not know anything about, people will catch on to your lack of knowledge and you will not succeed in winning any followers over. If you are passionate about something and you don't know much about it, it is usually advised that you fully immerse yourself in order to acquire that knowledge.

Pick about three or four things you are passionate and knowledgeable about first, when you are done with this process the next thing is to research your niche to make sure that you will get enough traffic or visitors on the web for that niche. A niche which is too popular might be very competitive ( e.g. online dating) so you tend to find out that ranking favorably in such a niche is a very difficult task, a niche which is too obscure (e.g. collecting Easter eggs) might not have as many enthusiasts to make it a viable source of income.

So how exactly do you determine how popular a niche is or is not? Well, there are a number of ways people use to sort out this particular problem. One of such ways uses search engines to query niche keywords and see how many results and sites that pops out.

For example you can use the online dating keyword as an example, enter it into Google and see how many results are listed. Do the same for collecting Easter eggs; this should give you a comparison of what is relatively too competitive and what is not competitive enough. Even though you have a list of four niches you think you can handle, do not assume that you will not get the whole process of getting the right niche on your first try, you might have to play around with a longer list of niches and test them for popularity before you finally have what you want.

If you want to learn more about how best to choose a good niche, then visit the blog with the link in the resource box and learn freely without any obligations.

See Also : Easter Product Store