Sunday, October 31, 2010

Easter Eggs and Mother Earth

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When Easter time comes rolling around, everyone enjoys the tradition of coloring eggs. Hard boiling eggs and then using your artistic touch is not only fun but can be a true learning experience for younger members of your family and their friends.

Waste not - want not is true even when coloring eggs for the Easter Basket. Scraps of food that you would otherwise just toss can and do produce some of the brilliant hues that make you "Ah" when placed in a basket for a centerpiece on the table or as part of your mealtime plans.

The deepness of the colors depend on your preferences and if you enjoy mixing and matching, then using rubber bands around the eggs, or wax will allow for that decorative touch that we all have hidden in our "creativity" file right there next to "holidays are special". These files while hidden deep in our minds do come out once in a while and when they do, beauty and elegance as well as remarkable can be used to describe our efforts.

In the "purple" family - ordinary bottled grape juice is a "natural". For lavender, a shorter soaking period will produce this "spring" color, while a deeper shade comes with prolonged "soaking." While red onions have red skins, they do produce the color red, but also shades of violet and deep blues. Using pomegranate juice is an interesting and tasty way to get shades of ruby. Remember to boil any "natural" coloring in water and allow it to cool. This brings out the "artistic" qualities of the natural products.

For brown or tan, try using dill seeds and if you like brown with a touch of orange then chili powder will give you that effect. Yellow which is a very popular color for Spring can be obtained with orange and lemon peels and you also get the aroma of these two citrus fruits which makes your whole kitchen smell like a breath of fresh air.

Deep brown or true chocolate brown - strong coffee and if you use instant coffee then vary the amount to reach the intensity you like. Orange comes with yellow onion skins and pink shines through with beet juice (and you have a vegetable for dinner) or use cranberry juice. In any of these products use only the "juice" and remove any solids from your bowl before placing the eggs in them.

Green is bright and can be obtained by using spinach leaves and a lighter lime green or yellow/green comes with apple peels, especially the Delicious variety.

Coloring eggs is not hard - it is well worth the extra effort and you can experiment on your own. While cooking vegetables or using a spice that your family enjoys, note the colors that it produces and try them with your egg coloring venture. It is all natural, with no chemicals or preservatives and it is time well spent. Imagine the truly stunning baskets you can create as well as watch the smiles if you use eggs as place setting "extras."

However you use Easter eggs, enjoy the moment, and enjoy the experience. Your creativity will bloom just like the lilies and tulips that are part and parcel of this Holiday. Something to think about ©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Have an Egg-Ceptional Easter

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This week many families will color eggs to place
in baskets, or use as a centerpiece on your Easter
table. There are many commercial brands that you
can buy, but with this being a very "environmentally"
correct era of history, here are a few suggestions.
You can now color your eggs, enjoy the craft with
family and friends, and help in the "green" effort.

For a beautiful rich brown egg, coffee is the stain to
use. You can boil your eggs in 1 quart of strong coffee
and they can look like "chocolate" if you so desire. For
a pastel pink, then use cranberries, and if you prefer a
dark rose hue then beets it is. Quick tip, if you rinse
eggs that have been boiled with beets, then you get a
very earthy tan color. Just 3-4 tsps. of turmeric will
give you that special golden egg to place front and center
in any basket or setting. Sienna comes from onion skins
and blueberries add a dark shade of lavender, so special
next to white eggs or foil-wrapped candies. Red cabbage
will give you blue eggs not red. The blue is deep and
strong, depending on the amount of cabbage you boil
along with your eggs.

Eggs are a symbol of life and have always been used to
represent Easter. They add flavor to your Easter dinner
and can be used as a decoration item, which can also be
"crafty" as a place card by using wax to write your guest's
name on the egg before dyeing. You can use solid hue
eggs or even tie with rubber bands or kitchen string before
placing in the color of your choice and you will get designs
to suit your fancy.

If you share Easter with the little ones, then beg, steal or
borrow those old-fashioned jello egg molds and add a bit
of fun to your holiday. There is the standard recipe of
boiling water, and jello of your choice, but if you add
juice instead of the water, such as apple, orange, pine-
apple, or cranberry, then there is a "surprise" taste to each
egg. Taking this a step further, and in a very healthy way,
to your basic recipe of boiling water, gelatin of your choice,
cool your mixture for about 30 mins. place 1 cup cold milk,
and vanilla, pistachio, or butterscotch pudding in a bowl,
Stir into the gelatin mix with a whisk or you can place the
entire blended mixture into a pan and place in your
refrigerator overnight. The next day you can dip the bottom
of the pan into warm water to loosen. Using cookie cutters
of bunnies, flowers, or chicks, cut all the way through and
lift gently. Decorate with frosting, or whipped cream. Place on a bed of shredded lettuce.
Whichever method you use, this will become a family
tradition before long. Young and old appreciate the eye
appeal, taste of creamy, and the trouble you took to make

Come next week, egg salad sandwiches, Cobb salads, and
creamed eggs will use up any extra if there are some.
Using eggs in your Easter plans is a perfect touch to a
holiday that brings family, friends, and faiths together.

Something to think about,

©Arleen M. Kaptur

March, 2008

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Craft Ideas For Easter - Candy Craft Project

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Step 1. Choose an Easter container (it can be a basket, mug, or box) that you want to use in your arrangement.
Note: The bigger the container, the more candy you will need to use to make a nice candy arrangement.
Step 2. Take a piece of floral foam and cut it so it fits snugly into the container. You can use hot glue to secure the floral foam to the bottom of the basket. The foam should be about an inch lower than the edge of the container.
Step 3. Prepare the decorative Easter grass; its color should go well with the container. Cover the foam with the Easter grass securing it with floral pins as necessary.
Step 4.
a) Take a packaged chocolate bunny. Using hot glue, secure two pieces of bamboo skewer to the back of the package.
b) Insert the packaged chocolate bunny in the middle of the arrangement.
Step 5.
a) Prepare Peeps you want to use in your candy arrangement, carefully separate the Peeps using a knife. Insert the sharp end of a skewer into each of the Peeps.
b) Tie a piece of curling ribbon of the corresponding color around each stick.
c) Insert the Peeps into the container to achieve the look you like.

Note: You should not sell this type of bouquet; if you want to make candy bouquets for sale, the candy wrappers must stay intact.

If you would like to see this Easter candy craft project with photos, go to this page

Happy Easter to you and your family!

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Origins of Our Easter Traditions

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Every year, millions of people around the world celebrate the traditions of Easter. But do you know where those traditions came from? What do a bunny, eggs, and a basket have to do with Jesus? Why does the date vary so widely? Why is the holiday even named Easter? This article will help clear some of these questions up.

1. The Date

Did you know that prior to 325 A.D., Easter was celebrated on many different days? It might fall on Friday one year, and Saturday the next year. However, in 325 A.D., Emperor Constantine brought together the Council of Nicaea to determine a wide variety of Christian issues. One of the issues they resolved was to always place Easter celebrations on Sunday. They decreed that Easter shall fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. Since the spring equinox is on March 21st, this means that Easter will always fall on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25th.

2. The Name

What does "Easter" mean? It is actually a modern spelling of the pagan holiday Eastre, celebrated by the Germans. This in turn was a day which celebrated the goddess of fertility and springtime, Oestre (or Eostre).

3. Lent

Among Catholics and many other Christian denominations, Easter is the last day of Lent. During the 46-day period of Lent, Christians are expected to fast or make other sacrifices in recognition of the "ultimate sacrifice" that Jesus made. Mardi Gras is the day before this long period of fasting and sacrifice, hence the name "Fat Tuesday".

4. Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny also dates back to the ancient pagan religions of the Anglo-Saxons. Since Easter is a time of rebirth and fertility, they usually used this day to pay tribute to their fertility goddesses. The bunny, rabbit, or hare was generally thought of as the earthly manifestation of fertility. Rabbits are able to reproduce extremely quickly, and humans wished to be blessed with some of that fertility. Although the Germans brought the Easter Bunny to America early in its history, it wasn't until after the Civil War that it was widely incorporated into America's Easter traditions.

5. Easter Egg

The egg has been a symbol of rebirth throughout history and within many mythological traditions. People of ancient cultures used to exchange colored eggs long before the practice was incorporated into our modern celebrations of Easter.

6. Easter Basket

The earliest Easter Baskets weren't baskets, but were actually nests. Dutch children would follow the tradition of filling their caps and bonnets with grass and leaving them out overnight. If they were good, the fertility goddess would lay brightly colored eggs in the nest. This tradition has since been adapted and modified to the modern Easter basket filled with fake grass.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

How to Plan an Easter Party for Kids

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Kids look forward to holidays and Easter is always a kid favorite. The Easter bunny, chocolates, an Easter egg hunt, and coloring eggs are all fun activities children anticipate well in advance. If you are interested in planning an Easter party for kids you can do so with minimal effort and for a low cost if you are well organized and planned. The following tips will help you plan an outstanding Easter party for kids that will be enjoyed by kids and adults.

First, you need to decide what you want to do. An Easter egg hunt is a definite, but you need to make some decisions about this. Will you be inviting children of a similar age or will there be a wide age range? The reason this is important is because you want everyone to have a chance to find some eggs. If there are lots of big kids and little kids all mixed together then the little kids won't find any eggs, or not many, and then they will feel sad and won't enjoy the party. So, if you have kids that are close in age at the party then one Easter egg hunt will suffice. But, if you are going to have a wide range of ages then you will need to plan an Easter egg hunt for both groups.

Another thing to keep in mind is where you will have the hunt and what will you place in the eggs. Chocolates, especially dark chocolates, are great suggestions to place inside the plastic eggs. Money, jelly beans, and even small toys are also great suggestions. Some people like to use real boiled eggs for their Easter egg hunt. This is completely up to you and what is easiest should be chosen.

If you do decide to use real eggs then you might want to have an egg coloring contest before. That way the kids could really enjoy decorating the eggs and once decorated they could be hidden for the Easter egg hunt. That would be a lot of fun for the kids to hunt for the eggs they already decorated!

Beyond including an Easter egg hunt and possibly an egg coloring contest you should have refreshments. It is really easy to make a cake that looks like a bunny, or if you aren't that creative you could just buy one already made. A bunny cake is the centerpiece and then you could just offer chips, Easter candy and some punch or other drinks.

Remember as well that if you invite many children to the event you will need chaperones, especially if you are having an egg hunt and kids are roaming around. Ask a couple of parents to stay or invite kids with their parents so everyone can enjoy the party and you don't have the responsibility of that many kids on your hands.

See Also : Easter Product Store

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Personalized Easter Basket For Kids Will Make Then Smile This Easter 2009

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Making your Easter basket for kids in 2009 is going to be great fun for the whole family but there are a few things to keep in mind too. Things like safety and durability are the major concerns.

Putting Child Safety First

When creating you personalized Easter basket for kids one of the concerns that needs to be considered when buying the basket is putting the safety of the child first

When your child finds an Easter egg or other surprise in the garden, they can use their personalized Easter egg basket to protect their treasures.

Don't forget that the basket needs to be robust enough to carry as many Easter eggs and goodies that you have taken the time to hide in the garden. Otherwise the items that they find could fall out and rediscovered by another child on the same hunt.

When choosing your personalized Easter egg basket for your kids, due attention must be paid to the makeup of the handles especially. This is because an overloaded basket may break at the handles exposing the sharp edges of their Easter basket.

When out in the stores choosing your basket, due care and attention should be paid to the type of material that may splinter or rip that may cause injury to your child.

How Strong is your Easter Basket

If you choose to buy a strong and durable personalized Easter basket for kids then not only can you be more confident that your child will be safe, but you can also use the basket for other items such as flowers for Mother's, or Christmas care baskets for family and friends.

If you only need your personalized Easter basket for kids to last for this year only, then I would advise finding a relatively cheap one that still conforms to all the aforementioned safety tips.

For myself, about 5 years ago I chose to buy my personalized Easter basket for kids from a quality store. This has meant that I have been able to use and use again the basket for many other craft ideas.

Recommend : Easter Product Store

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Monday, October 18, 2010

History of Chocolate Easter Confection

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The Mayans and Aztecs were two ancient people groups of Southern Mexico and Guatemala. What did they have to do with the history of Easter? This is where chocolate originated, and tied to the history of chocolate Easter confections provides a rich holiday legacy.

The Mayans and Aztecs discovered that the seeds of the cacao tree can be processed into chocolate. These early peoples mixed the ground cacao seeds with spices to create a beverage. The Aztecs used cacao seeds as money, and they exacted cacao seeds from their citizens and their conquered. In Aztec culture, only royalty and elite could drink chocolate, but in Mayan culture more people had access to chocolate. Both cultures used chocolate as religious offerings and during sacred rituals.

Spanish conquistadors, after exploring Mexico, brought the seeds with them back to Spain, and the cacao seeds eventually spread all over Europe. It was in Europe that the ground cacao seeds were mixed with sugar, and a new taste sensation was born. At this time in Europe only the rich could afford to drink chocolate.

The Industrial Revolution brought modern technology to the making of chocolate, and it was at this time that technology made it possible for chocolate to be eaten in its solid form. It could also be mass produced, making it more accessible to a wider audience. Even today machines are used to sort and clean the seeds, then weigh them. After this they are roasted and cleaned still further. At this point they get ground and through this process they are liquefied, then separated into cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Although each chocolate manufacturer has their own specific recipes for making chocolate, they all essentially mix together chocolate liquor, sugar, condensed milk and cocoa butter to create chocolate crumb. The crumb is pressed and forms chocolate paste, which is then blended in a large vat. At this stage, the chocolate is heated and cooled several times to temper it, making is shiny. After it is tempered, it can be poured into molds, forming all the familiar shapes in which chocolate comes. It can also be poured over flavored centers or the shaped chocolate can be filled with liquid. Finally, a machine is used to package the chocolate for sale.

The first solid chocolate Easter eggs were created in Germany and France around 1800. After this came the formation of hollow chocolate eggs, and with modern machines that could mass produce the confections, over time they became one of the best-loved Easter confections around the globe. To satisfy our worldwide sweet tooth requires the manufacture of ninety million chocolate Easter bunnies every year. Today's Easter baskets, filled with Easter gifts, are a chocolate-filled holiday tradition.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Children's Activities - Two Activities to Have Fun With Your Kids

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In this article I will recommend two activities which you can employ and have as fun as possible with your children. I found them searching online and I changed them a little bit to fit my personal standards. Keep reading.

Children's activity #1: Creating hats from paper board.

For this activity for children you will need scissors, colors, and colored paper board. First you must cut the paper board to the shape of the hat. You can also make a crown instead. You can find printable designs online but you can always draw your own hat. Then let the children cut the paper board hats. Urge them to start drawing on the hats. You can also use glue to stick small beads on the hat or crown. After the drawing is over add the finishing touch by sticking the two sides of the paper board together to form the hat. Next, children can wear the hats and have fun switching hats and running here and there. When they are finished ask them to help you clean the mess. Children will just love this activity!

Children's activity #2: Painting Easter Eggs

You can use this activity during Easter when you paint the eggs (usually red). If children like it then you can do many times a year. This is actually a Christian custom. I changed a little bit and I let my children draw on the eggs instead of painting them with one color. You will need eggs, acrylic paints and brushes. First of all boil the eggs. Let them cool down. Then gather the paints and brushes to the playground and let your kids draw happy faces on the eggs or just pick their own theme. Let the color dry. In the next step children play with the eggs hitting them to one another to find out which one is the strongest. The eggs that brake can be eaten. They will just love this part. Your children's activity is over. Clean up the up the mess with the help of your kids.

The above mentioned children's activities are just a sample of the thousands activity-recommendations you can find on the world wide web. I usually search for packs of printable craft and activity templates. I also invest money in buying these templates and then I re-model them to fit my children's needs and my own. I keep having fun with my children using new ideas. I wish you all the fun you can get with your kids.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Easter - A Time For Celebration and a Time For Reflection

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Easter is the time of year when all Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ after he was crucified on the cross. It is probably the most celebrated occasion in the Christian calendar. It is even more important than Christmas itself.

Easter itself is the culmination of forty days in which time Christians pray, fast and reflect. That time is called Lent. The forty days are said to represent the forty days that Jesus was out in the wilderness alone and where he overcame many temptations of the devil.

The week before Easter itself is the Holy Week. Thursday is known as Maundy Thursday and is the day Jesus had the last supper with his disciples then Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified. As we all know Easter Sunday is the day in which we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and should not be forgotten when we celebrate Easter.

Christian Church

The Christian church was looking for a time to hold a celebration for the resurrection of Christ and changed the pagan celebration of Eostre into their own celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. They also changed the day on which the celebration took place and decreed that the new date was after the first Sunday after the full moon on or after the Vernal Equinox. This also meant that the date changed from year to year and is now celebrated between the 22nd March or in some cases as late as the 25th April.

Many centuries before Jesus was resurrected from the cross civilizations celebrated the coming of spring with grand festivals and rituals so it's no coincidence the Christian church used this time to celebrate Jesus' life and death.

Warmth, Light and Fertility

Even before Christianity began people celebrated the coming of spring by organizing grand festivals and sacrifices to honor their goddesses of spring. They all knew that if their goddess was pleased with them then she would reward them by warming and lighting up the land, give new life to overwintering flowers, trees and shrubs and to bring new life into animals and birds too not to mention the fields upon which they grew their food.

But where did the Easter celebration come from? Well we are not quite sure but it's almost certain that it is from one of these events:

Goddess of Fertility and Spring

The word "Easter" could be derived from the pagan word Eostre who was the goddess of fertility and birth. The pagans believed she returned to earth each year around what we now call spring time and bestowed light and warmth to the land. To mark the coming of Eostre the pagans laid on huge celebrations in her honor so as not to upset the goddess.

There are other events that claim to be the original Easter celebration including:

The Jewish Passover

Another version is the Jewish Passover with some people believing this Hebrew tradition was the basis of Easter. The Jewish people celebrated around Easter time to herald the freedom of the Israelites from incarceration and slavery. This, along with the resurrection of Christ which happened around the same time as the Jewish Passover contributed too many Jews considering the Passover and Easter being one.

Even the word Easter is a little mysterious in it's origins.

Lost in Translation

The word Easter itself is said to have come from an actual translation error. The Latin word Alba or white is thought to have been mistranslated when translated into German. The Alba word means white but it can also mean sunlight and its thought that the sunlight translation was used and therefore the word Easter was born.

Easter Bunny and Brightly Painted Eggs

It has become a much commercialized event too with the integration of Easter eggs, chocolate and the Easter bunny being at the forefront of the commercialization. The original Easter bunny and eggs originated from pagan times when they associated them with the coming of spring and fertility. The pagans would paint them with bright colors and hang them in trees and bushes and also give them out to family and friends. But it was the Germans who carried on with the tradition, so much so that around the 18th century the first chocolate Easter eggs were created by them. Since then we have seen an explosion of people giving chocolate around Easter time but it should not be forgotten why Easter is important for another reason.

Never Forget why we Celebrate

No matter how or why we celebrate Easter there is one thing that all Christian's must never forget. You should never forget the reason why the world over people celebrate Easter, and that is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For that very fact Easter is an important date in the Christian calendar and possibly more important than Christmas itself.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

The Eid Festivals - Eid ul Fit and Eid ul Adha

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The Muslim festival Eid-Ul-Adha is the Festival of Pilgrimage for Muslims. It is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijjah to mark the end of the Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca. This is a festival that recollects fundamental events in Muslim history; the call of Prophet Abraham for believers to visit the Kaaba he had built.

Basically Eid-Ul-Adha signifies a festival of obedience and sacrifice through following God's commands and the spirit of sacrifice and dedication that Muslims harbor with fellow Muslims and other human beings.

The great patriarch, Abraham was so God abiding that he was ready to immolate his beloved son Ismael at God's command. But God then acknowledged his obedience and sent a sheep to be sacrificed instead. Today believers donate to the poor and rejoice during Eid-Ul-Adha.

Eid-Ul-Adha starts with a usual bath wherein all members of the family seek each other's forgiveness and pardon. There is a special congregational prayer organized in the mosque to recall the spirit of Abraham's sacrifice.

Another joyous Islamic festival is the Eid-Ul-Fitr that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. This is the day people thank Allah for their strength and self-restraint during their fast during Ramadan. The first sight of the new moon on the first day of Shawwal, the tenth Islamic month decides the date of Eid-Ul-Fitr and the start of celebrations.

The festival is also referred to as the 'Festival of Fast-Breaking' where you see a great rush in markets the day before the festival. This is when people shop for gifts, clothes and sweetmeats. Eid-Ul-Fitr also signifies the payment of obligatory charity, fitrah. Being the festival of charity, the poor, ailing and orphans are remembered and are relieved by Muslims who give donations, kindness and love generously.

The morning of Eid finds all Muslims attending morning players after which everyone wears their best. Men wear white kurtas, pants, surma, perfume and a white or colored topee to complete their attire. Women wear beautiful churidhars and shalwar kameez with embroidered shawls. After eating a special Eid preparation of milk, sugar and vermicelli, the male attend special prayers at the mosque.

The mosques are packed on Eid-Ul-Fitr where rich and poor stand together in front of their Creator to cement the bond of affection and brotherhood of Islamism by hugging each other and greeting 'Eid Mubarak'. The rest of the day is spent visiting relatives and friends to exchange greetings and gifts. Children look forward to Eid-Ul-Fitr as they receive Eidi in the form of cash or gifts from elders. Radio stations play popular 'Qauwwali' while the television screens progams with Muslim flavor.

No Lid celebration is complete without Biryani. Its preparation is a part of the rituals of Lid that is transmitted from mother to daughter and master to disciple. Besides Biryani, meet and chicken Kababs, kulfis, faloodas, pulaos, Shawai and other delicacies are gorged after one month of restraint. All friends and relatives participate in the joyous, and traditional celebrations of Eid-Ul-Fitr.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Printable Easter Bingo

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According to Christian religious belief, three days after Jesus Christ was crucified, he was resurrected. Easter (which is also known as "Resurrection Day" or "Pasha") is the Christian holiday and festival, perhaps the most important feast of the Christian liturgical year, which marks these events. The word "Easter" is used both to refer to the specific holy day and to the season of the church year which includes Easter day itself.

The date of Easter does vary each year, and the calculation of its date has been an issue of some controversy among Christians, at various times in history. The reason that the date moves is that Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover - the Last Supper is generally regarded as having been a Passover meal - and of course date of Passover is determined using the Jewish lunar calendar. The usual formula that is used to calculate the date of Easter has been described as placing Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the vernal equinbox - but even this is a simplification. Furthermore, since Eastern and Western Christian use different calendars (Julian and Gregorian respectively), even today there is no universal agreement on the date of Easter.

Although Easter has its roots in Christianity, today it is also a secular celebration. Most Western countries provide public holidays around Easter, and these holidays provide a excellent opportunity to spend times with friends and family. Children of course enjoy Easter eggs at this time, as well as chocolate, candies and sweets of all times. The holiday also provides the opportunity for Christian children to learn more about their faith, and for children of all faiths (and no faith) to learn about the history of Easter.

An activity that you may wish to consider for the occasion is Easter bingo. Bingo is in general suitable for marking most holidays (not just Easter), because the game is easy to learn, a lot of fun and is open to people of all ages to play. Some older people can of course enjoy the game as just a bit of fun - but kids can actually learn quite a bit while playing.

In order to play you will need some bingo cards printed with words or phrases relating to Easter instead of the traditional numbered bingo cards. In the old days, you would probably have had to send off to a specialist publisher to get these custom bingo cards - but today it's much easier and cheaper - you can simply print bingo cards from your computer. With suitable bingo card maker software, you can easily print as many bingo cards as you wish, on any topic or theme.

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Best Easter Ideas - Chocolate Yummies Fill Empty Tummies

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How time flies by, it only seems like yesterday when the tedious job of taking down the Christmas decorations was undertaken and stored up the loft, only to repeat the whole tedious process accordingly to commemorate Easter. However, because the lord is involved with both festive dates - makes tasks as such not so tedious at all but much more rewarding. Christmas day we celebrate the birth of Christ and Easter Sunday his resurrection.

Tradition up holds by giving a child a chocolate egg on Easter Sunday, and in some cases more because of greed, all because mom and dad give in to their demands. This is not good for their health or your pocket. Parents need to downsize on the chocolate egg or quantity. Huge savings can be made by doing this thus giving you those extra pennies to spend on healthy candy alternatives.

Easter is about feasting but do take care of what edible delights you are serving up. Keep your child`s welfare in mind. hence no guilt trip for you if the child is sick from overeating or piling on the pounds

If the feast table is to be laden with yummies to fill the tummies then it is a good idea to include some healthier alternatives. There is a vast variety of healthy replacements for candy baskets.

Instead of chocolate or marshmallow candy, fill the baskets with natural cookies which can be baked at home and juicy fruits. Mini boxes of raisins dried apple pieces and sultanas are a good choice of appetizer.

Fill basket with low fat candies.

Both stuffed bunny rabbits and jelly beans are tempting eye candy to a child and low in calories.
After the feast their will be the cleaning up so no time to cook tea, a good idea is to have the children decorate hard boiled eggs which can be eaten with a salad.

If the hens have been laying and you have spare eggs organize an egg rolling competition. Hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a slope, the winner is the one which rolls the egg the furthest, survives the most rolls, or is successfully aimed between two pegs!

Below budget-friendly activities for kids this Easter:

Take the kids on a shopping spree. Give each whatever you can afford and let them choose their own Easter gift, by doing this the day will not seem as long than that of being in the home running out of ideas as to what to do next.

Easter Garden : Pick up some flower pots, and seeds, and teach your kids a few gardening basics then let them plant their own spring flowers.

Sometimes a change of location is all it takes to keep kids entertained and more so at Easter time. So why not take the kids on a picnic, weather permitting. Whether it is the garden or a nearby park the kids will love it. Bring a toy to play with, it would be in your best interest to replace the old kite or ball with a new one, this will excite the children more.

Give young children a basket of brightly coloured plastic eggs; with coins inside each egg, be careful with small items placed in an Easter basket.

Easter day is named after the Saxon goddess of spring, Eostre, whose feast took place at the spring equinox. Easter is now the spring feast of the Christian church, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Traditionally Easter eggs are given as presents symbolising new life and the coming of spring.

Happy Easter

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fun treasure hunt clues

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Treasure hunts bring an instant smile to almost everyone. Close your eyes and think back to Christmas, treasure hunts them down for a long time, perhaps with their parents or their favorite pirate birthday party, he never could forget I played. Most adults do not have that kind of entertainment in old age, simply because the creativity and the time needed to reach something just did not make the extra minute or energy in those days. What if this little 'treasure hunt silly statements have not beensomething you had to do it myself? What happens if you imagine what topic you want and click with you! - One would be for you?

Funny instructions treasure hunt can be difficult. Do you have a mouth in a smile. Witty evidence can not be boring .. want you to think, imagine, question and then suddenly you know what to do. Share a treasure hunt with your family is a great way to think outside the box and instead of writing a lot of time, can only be foundyes ... download the program .. and follow the simple instructions for them to life for those who come to love more.

Plan a pirate birthday party for your child exactly like you remember? What does this information help? Now, do not forget to put this in comic pirate lingo! "Old pirates, sailors and sea lions are known as salts. If you are an expert, or do you think this is wrong? If you agree, you deserve a reward. In the table, as it seeks to shops. It is not a rogue or scurvy dog . Takeonly be a duplicate, not a pig. "Scavenger Hunt instructions are not just stupid .. or cry for clarifications on the new rhymes and sayings shocking your children have probably never heard before. Need a nice game of treasure hunt in rhyme for children, just learn to read? How is it for you? "He who has the gift of 'buyer has purchased. What clothes dryer ____" you guessed it! Dryer. The faces are bound to break out laughing.

Excitednot just say, entertaining and play the treasure hunt hunting information the children? Want to turn up a notch? Grab your camera and ponytails and ribbons to go back to the '80s with your friends. The "80's Picture Hunt" is full of evidence completely fun shouting "Pretty in Pink" and "The Breakfast Club." You'll enjoy this fascinating as it is used in the gallery on Pac-Man.

So let's not make fun of the treasure hunt clues are the exception, in order to apply the rule to all your parties!

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not Sure What To Serve For Easter Dinner?

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Make These Easter Treats Your Easter Feast!

Easter Day and the Easter recipes we choose to cook play an important role in our lives.

Easter is about life; it's about springtime and welcoming back the flowers and birds; it's about a warmer sun on our backs and a renewed faith in all the good we want and believe in for everyone. Easter is a day to be with family. Easter is about love.

Yes, some people will think about new suits and new dresses and as a time for chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and colored eggs. Certainly a number of children will. But for me, Easter is about being with family and friends and enjoying a great meal with them.

I recently saw a statistic that says, despite the fact that the better restaurants seem packed with people on Easter, only 35 per cent of Americans go out for their Easter meal. That means 65 per cent of us either stay at home and cook or we are the guests of relatives who are doing so.

I will be cooking and preparing Easter dinner at my house this year for the first time in 24 years! I finally have a fully trained, very competent staff at my restaurant. They will handle everything at the business, allowing me to cook for my family, relatives and friends. I consider this a great honor, not a burden. This is one of the things I do best, and I enjoy it!

One of the most interesting things about Easter is that it is somewhat of a "melting pot" holiday, with traditions from many cultures and religions. But there is no doubt about it, food plays a big part of celebrations in every culture.

Not sure what to serve for Easter dinner? The recipes on this page are traditional Easter recipes, or would make good components to an Easter dinner. But don't stop your recipe search here on this page. This is only a sampling of what you will find on my website.

Ham is a traditional main course at this time of year, so I have included a wonderful ham recipe here, along with a secret restaurant appetizer recipe, a starch and vegetable to accompany the ham and a recipe for dessert - a fabulous Triple Chocolate And Vanilla Cheesecake.

But on my website I have many other Easter recipes from which to choose. Mix and match components of these menus or other recipes on the website to create your own perfect Easter dinner.

This Crab Artichoke Dip Appetizer is the all-time best selling appetizer at my restaurant, despite the fact that crab is expensive. The combination of ingredients is what drives the price but it is so good my restaurant guests buy it frequently. They have asked me for this crab recipe many times and, until now, it has always been one of my secret restaurant recipes.

Hot Crab Artichoke Recipe For 8-10

Preparation time: 15 minutes

8 ounces cream cheese

2 cups of mayonnaise

3/4 pound of Dungeness crab

1 cup quartered artichoke hearts

1/2 cup white onions, diced

1/8 teaspoon white pepper

1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon Tabasco sauce

1/2 teaspoon sherry vinegar

1/2 teaspoon garlic, minced

2 tablespoons green onions, minced

2 tablespoons red pepper, minced

2 tablespoons celery, minced

1 1/2 teaspoons parsley, chopped

1 1/2 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1 1/2 cups grated Mozzarella cheeseInstructions:

In a mixer, whip the cream cheese until soft but not airy

While the cream cheese is mixing, prepare the crab, artichoke hearts, onions, garlic, red pepper, celery, parsley and cheeses

When the cream cheese is softened, fold in the remaining ingredients, adding the cheeses last

Refrigerate until ready to use

Bake in a baking dish in a pre-heated 375 degree F oven for 10 minutes or until lightly browned on top and bubbly around the edges

Serve with thinly sliced French bread and/or artisan crackers

Apricot Glazed Ham Recipe

Preparation time: 1 1/2 hours. Serves 15.


One 5 pound old fashioned smoked, boneless ham (pit ham)

1 cup apricot nectar

1 cup apricot preserves

1/2 cup orange marmalade

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmegInstructions:

Pre-heat the oven to 325 degrees F

Place the ham and apricot nectar in your roasting pan

In a small mixing bowl, combine the preserves, marmalade, cinnamon and nutmeg

Spread the mixture over the surface of the ham and loosely cover the ham with foil

Bake for 1 1/4 hours basting your ham with pan juices every 20 minutes

Using a thermometer, check the internal temperature of the ham and remove it from the oven when the internal temperature reaches 140 degrees F

Slice the ham and place slices on a serving platter and spoon the pan juice over the slices ham

Basic Scalloped Potatoes

Preparation time: 20 minutes. Serves 8-10.


1/2 cup butter, melted

8 medium potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced (I am fortunate to have a mandoline, otherwise slice the potatoes with your knife)

2 medium onions, diced

2 cups heavy cream

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Ground Allspice, optional

Fresh parsley, mincedInstructions:

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F

Grease a shallow baking pan with some melted butter

Place a layer of potato slices on the bottom of the pan and sprinkle with half the onion, salt and pepper to taste

Place a second layer of sliced potatoes over the first layer

Repeat the layering process until all the potato slices are gone

Pour the heavy cream over the potatoes, sprinkle again with salt and pepper and if you wish - AllSpice

Drizzle the remainder of the butter on top

Bake for one hour in the oven or until most of the cream is absorbed and the top is golden to golden brown

Sprinkle parsley on top to serve

Fresh Green Bean Recipe

Preparation time: 5 minutes (once your Dill Butter is prepared). Serves 4.


1 pound green beans

Dill Butter - Recipe Below (or simply use regular butter and salt and pepper if you prefer)Instructions:

Wash beans thoroughly in clear, cold water and trim the ends

If using baby green beans, you probably do not need to cut them into smaller pieces. Otherwise you may want to cut the green beans at least in half. You can cut them straight across or at an angle

Place green beans in a pot of boiling water and blanch them for 3-4 minutes (Some people add a bit of salt to the boiling water, but this is optional and there should be plenty of room in the pot but don't use more water than you have to. If you are cooking more beans than you have room for, it's okay to cook them in batches.)

Drain beans in a colander

Place your Dill Butter in a skillet or sauté pan over medium-low heat to melt the butter

Put beans in the pan with the Dill Butter and heat thoroughly, making sure the beans are re-heated but not over-cooked

Plate beans and serve

Dill Butter Recipe

Preparation time: 15 minutes. Makes enough for bean recipe above.


1/4 pound soft butter

1 table spoon chopped or minced fresh dill

1/2 teaspoon minced fresh garlic

3/4 teaspoon lemon juiceInstructions:

Coarsely chop the dill and process in a food processor with the butter, garlic and lemon juice (or mix thoroughly with a fork)

Shape the mixture into a roll and wrap in parchment paper or wax paper and twist the ends

Store in freezer until needed

Triple Chocolate And Vanilla Cheesecake

Favorite Restaurant Dessert Recipe For Home Cooks

Preparation time: 30 minutes. Serves 12.

Ingredients For Crust:

4 1/2 ounces Oreo cookie crumbs

1/2 ounce melted butterInstructions For Crust:

Combine the Oreo cookie crumbs and the butter in a mixing bowl and pour into a springform pan

Spread the crumbs over the bottom and press down with your hands to firm it

Smooth the crust with the back of a spoon

Chill in the freezer while preparing the cheescakeIngredients For Cheesecake:

2 pounds softened cream cheese

1/3 cup flour

14 ounces of Eagle Brand condensed milk (no substituting, this is an important ingredient)

7 whole eggs

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

4 ounces chocolate chips, meltedInstructions For Triple Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe:

In a Kitchenaid mixer, beat the cream cheese on low and then beat until fluffy

On low speed, add the flour and mix well

Gradually add the Eagle Brand condensed milk, mixing until smooth

Add eggs and vanilla and mix well

Pour half of the batter into the prepared crust in the springform pan

Add the melted chocolate chips into the remaining batter and mix well

Pour the chocolate batter evenly oven the white layer in the springform pan

Bake in a pre-heated 325 degree F oven for about 40 minutes

Cool the cheesecake out of the refrigerator until the cheesecake is room temperature, then refrigerateIngredients For Glaze:

4 ounces of chocolate chips

1/3 cup whipping cream (not whipped)Instructions For Glaze:

Combine chocolate chips and cream in a sauce pan over low heat to melt chips and combine

Cool slightly, pour over the cheesecake and refrigerate

Enjoy your Easter recipes and the company of those you share them with! Cultivate the love!

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Easter Traditions in France

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Considered the revered cradle of Christianity, France commemorates Easter with huge cheering and energy. The whole nation of the French flag parties in the Eastertide events and shops are skilfully adorned with chickens, fish, bells and dark and white chocolate rabbits.

Easter Fish

'Poisson d'Avril' (April Fish) is the French Easter fish that appears on April 1st when French kids enjoy in playing a sort of 'April Fool's' prank. They stick fish made from paper to the back of grown-ups.

Flying Bells

Flying Bells or Cloche Volant is a different significant element of France's Easter practices. On Good Friday, French Catholics deem that every church bell in France take off to the Vatican City in Rome, taking with them the sadness and pain of people who grieve the crucifixion of Jesus on that day. The flying bells go back on the morning of Easter Sunday and have with them piles of eggs and chocolates.

Easter Eggs

Kids awaken on Easter Sunday and check the nests they put in the yard or grounds, looking forward to getting well adorned Easter eggs. The game of rolling uncooked eggs on an incline is French tradition during Easter. According to myths, the last egg was the winning egg and represented the stone that is spun over the tomb of Jesus. Having fun with the eggs is one of the much-loved activities of children in Easter. The kids play a game wherein the eggs are tossed in the air and they have to catch them.

Traditional Banquet

In France, people usually cook lamb during Easter. A lot of Christian homes prepare 'Gigot D'agneau' or leg of lamb particularly for this event.

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