Thursday, July 29, 2010

Team Building Through Simple Games

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The success of any organization lies in the team effort that all the co- workers put in together. A particular goal can never be reached if the people working do not act and think as a unified whole. There can be hundreds of efficient men and women around, but if they are lacking in team spirit, then no goal can ever be achieved. Team effort, hence is the keyword to a successful venture. And that needs to be inculcated. It is done in schools, when the children and young and they have to be taught the importance of team work.

Mine Field: This one of the simplest and the most popular of team building games and can be played by children and adult alike, with the difficulty level rising up according to the age groups. Random objects are strewn around the floor and in other areas of the room. A particular team can have as less as two members, with one member trying to make his or her way across the room blindfolded, with the other member guiding from the sidelines with instructions. If the area is large enough then, two or three teams can compete simultaneously, or one team at a time with a referee keeping the time.

Quizzes, Riddles and Jigsaw Puzzles: They are oldest forms of team games. A huge jigsaw puzzle can be allotted to each team, and the team which completes the fastest gets the prize. Or quizzes on current topics and general knowledge can also be organized, which also provides an excellent opportunity for sharpening your intelligence. An interesting twist can be added in the form of riddles. Riddles are hard to solve and it would require a considerable amount of team effort, with each coming up with their own interpretations and coming up with clues.

Task Completion: For this kind of game, a certain amount of space us required. Objects can be hidden at random locations, like in the manner of an Easter egg hunt, only that each team will be provided with a list, and they only have to pick those items mentioned in the list. So the items can be located in tricky places, and the difficulty level can vary according to the age group or the number of members in a team.

Sometimes even corporate houses, when they are organizing parties and events, put games which require team effort, which provides entertainment, and at the same time, though unconsciously, tells the employees to work in a team.

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