Monday, July 5, 2010

WordPress Tutorial - Master the Art of Blogging!

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Dear Blogger,

You have taken it upon yourself to join the millions of other bloggers and make your contribution to the blogging community, and you have driven a stake into the tiny piece of virtual soil that will represent you in the vast world of the internet.

The internet is still in the exploration stage similar to the early settlers of the United States when one could drive a stake into the ground and call it his/her own because they arrived there first. Even more similar is the land could only remain theirs as long as they were to somehow improve that land, as can be compared to letting your website or blog become abandoned, unused and forgotten.

Many people start a blog with intentions of keeping the contribution updated with fresh new ideas only to find themselves frustrated with the technical challenges that come with designing, promoting or maintaining a blog.

Not everyone who wants a great blog is a technical wizard, and that can become enough of a deterrent for some to just give up, and leave the blogging to those with the expertise, or the money to hire the expertise.

Lets face it, the technical side of choosing the right domain name, getting the blog hosted on a server, properly configuring the blog so that the search engines can find the blog, designing a blog that represents your creative side, and even deciding how to keep a steady flow of fresh content coming to the blog, these are all vital to your blogs long term survival, yet finding answers to all of these questions can be akin to an Easter egg hunt!

One thing for sure is it makes your "Google Search" skills fantastic! It's almost like someone purposefully wants you to have to find everything out in tiny little pieces, first this little bit and then that one, like a cruel joke is being played on you!

The bottom line is that what most everyone really needs are WordPress Tutorial Videos that can show them how each step is accomplished from the very beginning to the semi-advanced stuff. Videos that can be referred to over and over again each time a new blog is set up or if changes are made to an existing blog. If the blogger could spend more time "blogging" and less time searching for answers to some crazy technical glitch their success rate would be far far greater.

Learning how to become an accomplished blogger is actually easy!

Tags : Easter Product Store