Friday, July 30, 2010

You Can Make a Ukrainian Easter Egg!

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In order to make Ukrainian Easter eggs, do the following:

1. Select your egg. You do not want to cook it, and you want to make sure it is clean and blemish free. Blemishes will make it far more difficult to work with. In addition, you want to make sure that it sits out of the fridge long enough to reach room temperature.

2. Clean the egg, you want to use a water and vinegar solution to make sure your egg is nice and clean before you start working with it. Your design will turn out much better this way. You can also add a teaspoon of vinegar to the dye to make it brighter and show up better.

3. Find a design you like, and using a pencil, you want to draw on the egg lightly and put your design on. You can find designs online, in books, etc., or you can make it yourself. Penciling it in will help you as you get further into the dying process. You can use helpers to make lines straight, and the design perfect.

4. Prepare your kistka, or stylus by holding it over a flame or heating element, and then scoop up beeswax into it and melt it over the candle. This is what you are going to use to create your design. It will act as a wax pencil.

5. Dye your egg progressively from the lightest color to the darkest. Draw with your kistka and wax where you do not want dyed, and then, dip in the dye. The places where the wax is will not dye. Just remember to go lightest to darkest, or it won't work. It is helpful to prepare your dye in advance and set it out that way.

6. Add more wax, and progress to the next darkest color. Keep this up until you have dyed the egg every color you want, and have your design completely waxed over. Leave the egg in each color of dye for about 15 minutes. When you remove it from the dye, do so carefully so as not to smudge the wax. Pat off the dye to dry the egg after each time. By the time you are done, your egg should be fairly well covered in wax, and almost black in color.

7. Heat the wax that is all over your egg by using a hairdryer, or candle. Once it is hot enough, you can wipe it off with a tissue. This will reveal your beautiful design, and can be very surprising!

8. Let the egg dry, it is a lot better if this is done on a stand so that there is no smudging.

9. Go ahead and empty the egg by blowing it out, or using a syringe to suck it out. Just be careful that you do not ruin your egg after doing all of that hard work.

10. Enjoy your beautiful egg and design!

Friends Link : Easter Product Store