Thursday, July 15, 2010

Easter Traditions & Activities - 10 Fun & Meaningful Ideas For Families

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What is Easter, and what are we celebrating on this holiday? As the first syllable of the very word 'holiday' suggests - it is a Holy day. Is there anything necessarily wrong with painting eggs, Easter egg hunts, bunnies, or chocolate? Absolutely not! In fact, such activities often accomplish the very goal of Who it is we celebrate and recognize on this Holy day - the goal of being with and strengthening family relationships. However, much like the majority of holidays, it is certainly easy to get caught up in the commercialization and symbolism of the celebration and forget why, what, and Who the symbols were originally intended to represent. Should Easter be fun? Of course! Should we color eggs, hide candy, and eat a lot of chocolate? Absolutely! But should we not also ensure that it is a Holy day where we think of, learn about, and seek to follow the very Symbol of this Holy day - the Savior Himself. He is the purpose of the holiday, hence the reason it must also be a Holy day.

Below are listed 10 fun and meaningful activity ideas for families and individuals everywhere that will help make Easter fun, memorable, and Holy.

1) Make it Holy-day: Spend at least a few minutes reflecting upon, learning more about, and expressing gratitude for the very reason and Person we celebrate on this Holy-day.

2) Give Easter to a Family in Need: Find a family who may be struggling or who has very little, and make it a memorable and special day for them. Make an Easter Basket for them - buy or make them a gift, a meal, get some chocolate and candies for the kids, etc.

3) Easter Egg Hunt: What would Easter be without one, right?

4) Dying Eggs: Hard broil some eggs, get some food coloring, and color Easter eggs together as a family. (Draw on the eggs with a white crayon before dying them to create designs).

5) Symbolism of Easter: Spend a few minutes each year learning about the symbolic nature of the colors, dying eggs, traditions, rolling eggs, Easter bunny, etc. What do these things really symbolize and represent.

6) Visit Graves: Go to the graves of family or friends and talk about death, as well as the Resurrection.

7) Decorations: Like any holiday, decorate the house (inside and out) with Easter decorations.

8) Worship Service and Scriptural Readings: Attend a religious service, participate in the Passover traditions and activities, read scriptural passages from the Bible, etc.

9) Meaningful Easter Egg Hunt: In addition to hiding candies in the Eggs, hide scriptural passages inside some eggs. Then, as the kids eat candies, read some of the scriptural passages and remember the significance of the day and holiday.

10) Family Day: Just spend time as a family together. Share a meal, play games together, and enjoy just being as a family.

Thanks To : Easter Product Store